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Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago

Brazilian Butt Lift
What Is A Brazilian Buttlift?

Brazilian Butt Lift Chicago

A Brazilian butt lift is a form of buttock augmentation that involves using fat grafting to take excess fat from other parts of the body, purify it, and inject it into the buttocks to increase he size, fullness, and projection of the buttocks. At The Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago, a Brazilian butt lift is becoming an increasingly more popular plastic surgery procedure.

Though the name might sound amusing, a Brazilian butt lift is a useful technique to restore proportion and balance between the buttock and other parts of the body. It is a trendy procedure that often results in a robust increase in self-image, confidence, and appearance. The results are natural-looking and youthful, and the procedure is minimally invasive. Dr. Patel is widely considered by his patients as one of the top surgeons to perform a Brazilian butt lift Chicago residents can rely on.

Brazilian Butt Lift


To be a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, you must have donor sites from which excess fat can be taken, such as the thighs or abdomen. A benefit of a Brazilian butt lift, as opposed to buttock implants, is that this procedure does not involve inserting any foreign substances; it uses fat from your own body. If you have any known allergies to implant materials and desire a fuller, rounder buttock, you may be an ideal candidate for a Brazilian butt lift.


With any plastic surgery procedure, it is always important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon that has extensive experience and knowledge in their field of study. When you schedule a consultation with the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago, you will meet with Dr. Parit Patel, a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed hundreds of fat-grafting augmentation procedures successfully and safely, and whose expertise enables him to offer one of the best Chicago Brazilian butt lift surgeries that local residents can depend on.

Your consultation will involve reviewing every step of the process, all the way through recovery so that you have a comprehensive understanding of what a Brazilian butt lift entails. You and Dr. Patel will review your medical history to ensure that you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. Be sure to use this opportunity to ask any questions you may have, including cost and potential risks associated with buttock augmentation and fat transfer.


First, you and Dr. Patel will determine the donor site, from which excess fat will be removed. After administering a general anesthetic, Dr. Patel will make a small incision in the donor area and carefully extract fat cells using a cannula and syringe.

If necessary, the extracted fat will be processed using a centrifuge or other filtration technique to isolate the fat cells. The fat cells are then transferred to smaller cannulas and prepared to be injected into the buttocks.

We will repeat the injection process until you achieve your desired results. Sometimes the newly grafted fat is massaged into the designated area to create full, natural contours. Finally, a bandage is placed over the grafted area.

It may be necessary to undergo multiple fat grafting sessions to achieve the desired results since the body will absorb some of the injected fat. On average, patients retain between sixty and eighty percent of transferred fat.


The only incisions resulting from a Brazilian butt lift are located at the donor sites and injection sites, and these incisions are typically very small and produce minimal scarring. If possible, Dr. Patel will attempt to conceal the incisions in the natural creases and contours of the body.

Swelling and bruising should go down significantly between the first and second week after the procedure. Be prepared to wait at least seven to ten days before returning to your normal level of activity. By the third week, the swelling should subside, and your results will be visible. The full results, however, may not be apparent for up to a year following the procedure. These results are typically long-lasting as long as there are no major fluctuations in weight.


Complications from a Brazilian butt lift are very infrequent, but there are associated risks with any surgical procedure, even those that are minimally invasive. Potential risks associated with a Brazilian butt lift may include:

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Infection
  • Hematoma (blood clot)
  • Scarring
  • Asymmetry

At the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago, we take every precaution possible to minimize risk by using only the safest and most innovative techniques. You can also mitigate risk by adhering strictly to any instructions that Dr. Patel may give you, both before and after your procedure.


The average cost of buttock augmentation is around $4,500 in the United States, but this figure varies widely depending on the type of augmentation you choose, the extent of the procedure, and your geographic location, among other factors. We will discuss the associated cost of your specific procedure during your consultation. A Brazilian butt lift is considered a cosmetic procedure and therefore is usually not covered by medical insurance.


If you are unhappy with the size, shape, or fullness of your buttock, or if your buttocks are asymmetrical or disproportionate to other parts of your body, call us at the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago to schedule a consultation. During your consultation, Chicago Brazilian butt lift surgeon Dr. Patel will be able to show you the specific goal of your butt lift surgery. Dr. Parit Patel is a board-certified plastic surgeon who will speak with you about your aesthetic goals and perform an evaluation to see if a butt lift is the best course of treatment for you.

All surgical procedures by the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Chicago are performed at top hospitals in Chicago and CMS or AAAASF-certified surgical centers for safety.


Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After
Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After



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