There are quite a lot of patients who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, and overall appearance of their buttocks. The sagging or deflation of the buttocks can happen due to major fluctuations in weight, pregnancy, and with aging. Additionally, some patients are just born with a flat buttocks that cannot be shaped adequately with exercise alone.
The BBL, or Brazilian butt lift, can help make a flat butt look fuller, younger, and more attractive. It is increasingly becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures due to high patient satisfaction with the procedure.
The Brazilian butt lift is a process in which improvements are made in the hip-to-waist ratio and projection of the buttocks through precise removal of fat in specific areas and placement of fat in other areas.
It is an autologous fat-transfer process, meaning that the fat that is used for reshaping is harvested from the patient’s own body. Fat is taken from fat-rich areas such as the stomach, waist, or thighs in order to sculpt the abdomen and waist. This is conducted through gentle liposuction to preserve the health of the fat cells.
The fat is then strategically and carefully injected into the hips and buttocks. The goal of the surgery is to sculpt the silhouette of the waist, hips, and buttocks by improving the contours of these areas.
An Overview of the Brazilian Butt Lift
The main difference between traditional buttocks augmentation and the Brazilian butt lift is the filling material. In traditional buttocks augmentation, silicone implants are used to alter the shape of the buttocks. Brazilian butt lifts, on the other hand, work by harvesting and injecting fat from the patient’s own body to shape and create volume.
Since traditional buttocks augmentation involves the introduction of a foreign substance into the body, the Brazilian butt lift is considered safer in terms of infection and also less invasive, since large incisions are not made.
With the Brazilian butt lift, there is no risk of implant misalignment, visibility of the implant, or the need for removal of the implant. The recovery time is also faster than with traditional buttocks augmentation. In many cases, the results of the Brazilian butt lift can look more natural than a buttocks augmentation with implants.
Recovery Time for Brazilian Butt Lifts
The typical recovery time for this procedure is usually three weeks. It is important to not put physical stress or pressure on the buttocks during this time. A special pillow is provided to sit on during this time. The patient is allowed to bathe 48 hours after the operation and must wear a special kind of compression garment for around four to six weeks after the surgery.
The results of this surgery are permanent, and there is little to no pain after the surgery. The easier recovery period, the reduced pain, and the aesthetic outcome have made the Brazilian butt lift one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world.
Candidates for the Brazilian Butt Lift
Most patients are excellent candidates for the Brazilian butt lift. Being physically fit and healthy are prerequisites for the operation. This is mainly due to the fact that patients are put under general anesthesia during the surgery.
No smoking or consumption of alcohol is allowed in the weeks before and after the operation, as these slow down the pace of healing after the surgery. The patient must also maintain a proper diet, as it aids in recovery. As with all cosmetic surgery, it is important to have realistic expectations in regards to the outcome of this procedure.
Add Volume and Curve to Your Buttocks
Are you ready to get the attractive buttocks that you have always wanted? If so, take the first step and contact the office of Dr. Parit Patel, an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Arranging a Brazilian butt lift consultation will help you understand more about the procedure and the recovery process.